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What Is This?

What Is This?


What is this?

A question and answer style card game that can be played with a group of people at a party, baby shower, social gathering, or any other small event. It’s all about pregnancy, parenting, and babies! It’s Fun In The Oven™!

Who should play this?

Anyone who enjoys a good game and loves to laugh. Anyone who might be having a baby shower or hosting one and is looking for a unique idea or gift to share. Parents and parents-to-be. Friends of parents and parents-to-be.

How did you come up with the idea?

It’s always been a challenge to find new and interesting games to play at a baby shower. You can print a few bingo cards out or smell candy bars in diapers (all of which has its charms), but most of those games are short or, well, just plain boring. Fun In The Oven™ is an innovative way to get a group together and talk and joke about what’s really happening: the miracle of life!

What about a license?

Fun In The Oven™ is available under a Creative Commons BY-NC-SA 4.0 license. That means you can use, remix, and share the game for free, but you can’t sell it without our permission.